About Me

img_1249As a divorced woman with almost grown children, my life and happiness revolved around my children as is the case, I’m sure, with most divorced parents. You feel a little guilty about the end of the family dynamic and you go out of your way to compensate.  After compensating, I found myself in “middle adulthood” (that’s a polite way of saying middle-aged) status with very little (even that’s exaggerated) friends for a variety of reasons.   Although divorced for a couple of years or so, I had never developed a comfort level of just hanging out by myself.  After the realization that the only person I really can depend on is me, I recognized that I needed to take ownership of my social life, if I was ever going to have one.

I’m sure that there are many divorced people over 40 that are also trying to get their happy back.  However, I immediately thought of the negative stigmas associated with older single women by society.    Hence came the idea to blog about my experiences of “dating” myself and doing things that I never would have thought to do alone; taking chances.  IMG_2394

My blog is about empowering myself to take ownership of my happiness and my life without giving a damn about those old perceptions.  Ultimately, it forces me to take an active role in living life.  As I do, I will share my experiences – the good, bad, and maybe some times embarrassing.  There will also be times when I would just like to share what’s on my mind and reach out to you for support.  I welcome your feedback.

Whatever the case may be, I hope that someone can, perhaps, gain some insight from my sharing and vice versa.  My goal is to pursue this second round of being single with enthusiasm, optimism and shared insight.  So, please indulge me on my journey as I leave those insecurities from my 20s, 30s, and 40s behind.   Here’s to me jump starting my middle-age with a level of confidence and knowledge to live, share, and enjoy!

Much love,
