Check in

Hey there,

I can’t believe how long it’s been since I’ve written a post! So many things have happened over the last year; travels and unexpected events.

I met someone online last October. I know I’ve shared a scant of my disdain for online dating, but like most things, there are positives and negatives.  A positive is that it provides a far reaching platform for you to meet people.  A negative is the time involved with assessing and testing your results of mostly duds, which unfavorably tips the scale.  For that reason, I decided to not renew my new three-month trial subscription.  I felt I’d wasted my time, again, fielding through a barrage of bull shitters that fit the profile of my potential mate.

This one approached me while I wasn’t even looking; my mind stained by lingering circumstances. Is he perfect? No, but neither am I.  One of the things that I realized is that in my mind, I had this ideal mate that I wanted to meet with criteria befitting for a much younger me.  The reality is that I am 56 years old.  Over the years, I’ve changed physically, mentally, and emotionally. And then there’s life which has a way of unwillingly altering your perspectives.

I’ve learned that we must adapt our minds to the person that we are today. We must take an introspective assessment of ourselves, which sounds crazy, but really it’s not.  I honestly thought I wanted one thing in a relationship, and realized that my lifestyle dictates something different.  I also had envisioned potential partners which looks nothing like my friend.

Mark is white. It’s not unusual when I tell friends about Mark to hear, “Oh it doesn’t matter” or  “It’s no big deal now.”  The reality is while interracial dating is nothing new, it is for me.  Whether people are honest enough to admit, there are differences.   However, Mark and I recognize, embrace, and learn from our differences.

I was open to meeting new friends. In fact, the timing was perfect.  Turns out, he is one of the good guys.  We enjoy spending time together.  More important, he is honest, pampers me, and has met my dad’s stamp of approval.

My advice is to be careful, be realistic, and be steadfast regarding the things that are important to you.


Until next time…

Peace and Blessings,





I would love to hear your thoughts or comments.